動画のコメント欄が内部告発大会になっている件について/Regarding the comment section of the video turning into a whistleblowing forum on the dark side of railway companies.

1日密着】仕事も子育ても全力!相鉄線 女性指導車掌の1

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  1. 慢性的な人手不足と過重労働
  2. 特殊な配慮が必要な行路の偏り
  3. 安全性の懸念
  4. 職場の人間関係と管理職の問題
  5. 改善されない組織風土
  6. 他私鉄との比較と共通課題
  7. 対外的なイメージと内部のギャップ
    相鉄では「健康宣言」やPR動画、地域密着型の施策(例: 子供運賃50円キャンペーン)など、外部向けのイメージ向上策を積極的に展開しています。しかし、その一方で、内部の労働環境改善が伴っていないことに対する批判の声が多く上がっています。












  • 勤務形態の見直し:終電後から初電までの短時間睡眠や、夜間工事による徹夜勤務が常態化している。
  • 人員不足の解消:慢性的な人手不足が、現場に過度な負担を強いている。
  • 安全性の向上:社員の健康管理が不十分で、安全運行に支障が出る可能性が懸念されている。




  1. 労働環境の透明化と改善
  2. 組織風土の改革
  3. 安全第一の運行を実現
  4. 過酷な労働環境の現実
    1. 理想的な電車運転士像とは裏腹に、現場は慢性的な欠員、連続勤務(最大13連勤以上)、そして過労が蔓延している。
    2. 一部の鉄道会社では労働環境が過酷で、精神的・身体的に追い詰められる従業員が多数存在。社員の心身の健康が軽視されている。
  5. 現場と管理層の温度差
    1. 設備修繕など現場の改善要求は「まだ使える」と却下される一方、管理層はオフィス環境の改修などには積極的。
    2. 現場職員が「消耗品」のように扱われている状況が浮き彫りになっている。
  6. 就職活動や会社文化への警鐘
    1. 鉄道マニア的な質問をする就活生は、鉄道会社が求める「バランス感覚のある人材」としては好まれない。
    2. 一部の企業文化には、無意味で時代遅れな慣習(挨拶の強制など)が存在。住民の苦情が契機で廃止されたケースも。
  7. 労働環境の改善要請と現実
    1. 労働環境改善を求める声が内部から上がるが、管理層や本社は問題に向き合おうとしない。
    2. 会社側が労働環境の改善に消極的な場合、従業員の離職は止まらないと警鐘を鳴らす声が多い。
  8. 公共交通機関の利用マナーについての提言
    1. 駆け込み乗車の失敗で発生した事故や怪我について、事業者側が謝罪する事態を批判。「乗車時のマナーを周知すべき」と提案。
  9. 社会的注目と転職動向
    1. 過酷な労働環境を理由に、鉄道業界から他業界(特に労働環境が整っているとされる業界)への転職例が見られる。
    2. 労働環境の悪化が企業イメージや株価にも影響を与える可能性がある。




A Detailed Examination of Current Issues and Challenges in the Working Conditions of S Railway in Kanto and the Domestic Railway Industry

The domestic railway industry, especially major private railways such as S Railway, has long been criticized for its severe working conditions. This article delves into the following points, based on real experiences and testimonies from crew members and employees:

  1. Chronic Staff Shortages and Overwork Many railway companies, including S Railway, face chronic staff shortages among crew and frontline staff. As a result, employees often work more than 100 hours of overtime per month and have continuous shifts lasting three to four days. Some employees only have a 15-minute break (actually less than 10 minutes) after more than two hours of continuous duty, highlighting an inhumane working environment.
  2. Bias in Specially Considerate Schedules Employees with childcare or caregiving needs are provided with "special day schedules" from 9 AM to 5 PM, but this burden heavily falls on other crew members. For example, others are often required to cover the gaps, leading to long hours from early morning.
  3. Safety Concerns There are rising concerns about safety due to chronic staff shortages and overwork. There have been incidents of crew members collapsing during duties, causing timetable disruptions and raising questions about adequate passenger safety.
  4. Workplace Relationships and Management Issues Reports indicate rampant harassment and unrealistic work demands from management. For instance, crew members who report health issues are often told to "go as far as you can" and forced into duties, and there is widespread assignment of forced overtime. Additionally, low morale is evident in crew break rooms where conversations often revolve around criticizing young workers who do not do overtime or comparing monthly overtime hours.
  5. Unimproved Organizational Culture Upper management's lack of awareness and efforts toward improving working conditions are also problematic. Complaints during exit interviews about working conditions being dismissed with "can't report that to headquarters" highlight the delayed organizational response to issues.
  6. Comparative Issues with Other Private Railways Similar issues are reported at other major private railways, such as OD Railway, KH Railway, and TK Railway. These include consecutive night shifts and early morning duties, long periods of consecutive workdays, and extreme working conditions that affect employee health.
  7. External Image vs. Internal Reality S Railway engages in various public relations efforts such as "health declarations" and promotional videos, along with community-focused initiatives (e.g., child fares of 50 yen). However, internal working condition improvements have not kept pace, leading to criticism.

Severe Case Details

Overwork and Health Impact

A crew member collapsed due to chronic overwork during a shift and had to be hospitalized. Despite reporting poor health, management responded with "You can do it, go as far as you can." After the incident, management performed rituals hoping to prevent further collapses, but fundamental improvements remain absent.

Harassment by Management

Management has been known to alter duty rosters without consent and enforce compulsory overtime. Employees who report the poor working environment are often met with anger and dismissal from management.

Organizational Concealment

There have been instances where managerial misconduct has been concealed by the organization, lowering morale among staff.

Industry-Wide Challenges

Looking broadly at the railway industry, companies face common issues:

  • Review of Working Patterns: Short sleeping hours between last and first trains, and overnight shifts due to nighttime construction.
  • Resolving Staff Shortages: Chronic shortages leading to excessive burden on current employees.
  • Improving Safety: Inadequate health management for employees, risking safe operations.

Proposals and Hopes from the Field

  1. Transparency and Improvement in Working Conditions: Improve labor conditions and working patterns, ensuring employees have personal time and health protection.
  2. Organizational Culture Reform: Create a workplace environment that does not tolerate harassment and reform managerial attitudes.
  3. Safety-First Operations: Reduce accident risks due to overwork by respecting and implementing feedback from the field.
  4. Realities of Harsh Working Conditions: While the ideal image of train operators persists, the reality includes chronic shortages, long consecutive workdays (sometimes more than 13), and rampant overwork.
  5. Discrepancy Between Field and Management: Improvement requests for field conditions often get rejected with "still usable," while management enthusiastically renovates office environments.
  6. Warnings About Job Hunting and Company Culture: Candidates with deep railway enthusiasm might not be preferred as "balanced" individuals. Outdated customs (e.g., enforced greetings) may still exist.
  7. Requests for Improvement vs. Reality: Calls for better working conditions often go unheard by management and headquarters.
  8. Suggestions for Public Transport Usage: Criticism for apologizing for accidents caused by rushed boarding, with suggestions for educating on proper boarding manners.
  9. Attention and Job Change Trends: Examples of employees switching industries due to harsh working conditions, affecting company image and stock prices.


The railway industry plays a crucial role as social infrastructure. However, many hidden problems lie in the working conditions of the employees. The examples mainly focus on S Railway but similar issues exist in other major private railways and smaller railway companies. Addressing these issues requires an overall shift in organizational awareness and effective improvement measures that reflect the voices from the field.

Reflecting on Recent Developments

The adjustments in last and first train schedules during the COVID-19 pandemic were likely not only due to the pandemic but also due to chronic staff shortages, making it difficult to maintain the pre-pandemic timetable. Reports suggest that former employees of major private railways who moved to JR found JR to have significantly better conditions. However, even JR East has faced issues with overwork leading to overruns, highlighting the broader industry challenge.





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