いすみ鉄道問題について/The Isumi Railway, running through Isumi City in Chiba Prefecture, has faced neglect issues since entering the 2020s.
- 安全対策の強化: 今回の事故を教訓に、保線作業や設備点検の強化を図り、再発防止に努めています。特に、定期的な点検とメンテナンスの徹底を図り、安全運行を確保するための取り組みを強化しています。
- 利用者への情報提供: 利用者に対して、事故の原因や対応状況について詳細な情報を提供し、透明性の確保に努めています。公式ウェブサイトやSNSを通じて、最新の運行状況や安全対策について定期的に発信しています。
- 地域との連携: 地元自治体や観光業者との連携を強化し、地域経済の復興に努めています。観光資源の維持と発展を目指し、地域住民や観光客との信頼関係の回復に向けた取り組みを進めています。
- 法的対応: SNS上の誹謗中傷や名誉毀損に対して、法的措置を講じています。発信者情報開示命令を取得し、該当投稿に対する適切な法的対応を行い、会社の信頼性を守るための措置を講じています。
5. 軌道の異常と検査の不履行:
1. いすみ鉄道は軌道検査を怠っていたとの指摘があります。
2. 特定の個人は、軌道に異常があることを繰り返し主張していたが、それが「嘘だ、捏造だ、根拠が無い」と否定されていた。
6. 社長の任命と鉄道知識の欠如:
1. いすみ鉄道の第3代目社長である古竹孝一氏は、鉄道の知識がほとんどないとされています。
2. 古竹氏は「僕を採った方がいいですよ」「鉄道の知識がほとんどないのに、生意気ですよね(笑)」と発言しています。
7. 設備の劣化と隠蔽の疑惑:
1. いすみ鉄道の設備が全線にわたって急速に劣化しているとの主張があります。
2. 古竹氏は乗客100人を殺しかけて運行不能に陥るほどの軌道異常を隠していたとされています。
8. 名誉毀損と裁判:
1. いすみ鉄道は、SNS上での投稿が名誉毀損にあたるとして、発信者情報開示命令を申請し、裁判所から認められています。
2. 現在、該当投稿に関する発信者情報の開示を待っている状況です。
— いすみ鉄道問題追及 (@V7ipinnH1zKAr4L) March 30, 2023
だからわてらが軌道にこれだけ異常があると言っていたのに「嘘だ、捏造だ、根拠が無い」と喚いていたのは、いすみ鉄道は軌道検査スッポカシていたの隠してたんだろ。 pic.twitter.com/OEnZ1HvZaO
脱線事故から1か月半ほど経過し、全面運休が続くいすみ鉄道。脱線したいすみ351・352は本日も脱線現場の少し国吉寄りに2両離されて置かれたままとなっています。線路には早くも錆が浮き、しばらく列車が走っていないことを実感させられます。4枚目の写真は第二五之町踏切より撮影。 pic.twitter.com/xujeSu6OJL
— MobaryHills (@MobaryHills) November 16, 2024
— Bigbo (@bigbo_anohana) November 19, 2024
JR貨物脱線 レール腹部3ミリは「今まで見たこともない腐食」 専門家は塩害を指摘:北海道新聞デジタル https://t.co/6NI1gFDgwx
— simakaze (@simakaz36426433) November 17, 2024
白でマーキングされたのが交換対象かな? pic.twitter.com/kiwzlOJrsF
いすみ鉄道、脱線事故1カ月 復旧なお見通し立たずhttps://t.co/KnSKHyu24w
— 日本経済新聞 電子版(日経電子版) (@nikkei) November 7, 2024
木製枕木の腐食は全線で著しく、予想を上回る地点で工事が必要。かき入れ時の春の復活を目指します。 pic.twitter.com/CwOewRKI8y
いすみ鉄道 脱線事故現場
— 旭舟夢 (@heraTK1022) October 22, 2024
頑張れ、いすみ鉄道💪#いすみ鉄道 pic.twitter.com/MC6VW9Z161
[2024-10-06] #いすみ鉄道、市議会での記録「いすみ鉄道が間違いないと、この公式の場で課長を通じて言っていただいたんで、脱線等事故になることはないということだと思います。もしそういうことがあれば、これは虚偽の報告をなされたということになってしまいます」 pic.twitter.com/BQO17Jsos0
— 森健いすみ (@moriken_isumi) October 7, 2024
— けーなわ・けーはんな (@TH_KNOW_SUB) October 6, 2024
Isumi Railway, a local railway in
Chiba Prefecture, Japan, is also a popular tourist attraction. Known as the
"Nanohana Railway" and famous for its "Restaurant Train,"
it enjoys widespread popularity among railway enthusiasts and plays a key role
in promoting local tourism. However, the derailment accident on October 4,
2024, significantly undermined trust in Isumi Railway. Below is a detailed
account of the issues surrounding this incident.
The Derailment Incident
On October 4, 2024, a train on the
Isumi Railway derailed, causing significant concern and inconvenience to
passengers and local residents. At the time of the incident, the train carried
numerous passengers, leading to widespread confusion. Fortunately, no severe
injuries were reported. However, the incident severely damaged the company’s
reputation for reliability.
Investigation into the Cause
Following the accident, the Japan
Transport Safety Board initiated an investigation to determine the cause. In
the initial stages, the direct cause had not been identified, but inadequate
track maintenance and aging infrastructure were suggested as potential
contributing factors. Isumi Railway is collaborating with third-party technical
experts to uncover the root cause and implement measures to prevent recurrence.
Inspection and Repairs of
In response to the derailment,
Isumi Railway conducted a comprehensive inspection of its infrastructure,
including tracks, bridges, and tunnels. The inspection focused particularly on
areas potentially linked to the accident. Detailed investigations and repairs
were carried out to address these issues thoroughly.
Outlook for Resuming Operations
Initially, Isumi Railway aimed to
resume operations quickly. However, the inspection and repair process proved to
be time-intensive. Consequently, the resumption of services is expected to take
longer than initially planned. Prioritizing safety, the railway company is
working to ensure that passengers can use the service with confidence.
Defamation and Harassment on
Social Media
After the accident, Isumi Railway
faced a surge of defamatory and damaging posts on social media. These posts
significantly tarnished the company’s reputation and interfered with its
operations. The railway company filed a motion for disclosure of sender
information, which was granted by the court. Currently, they are awaiting the
release of the information to proceed with appropriate legal actions.
Social and Economic Impact
The derailment had a significant
impact on the local community and economy. As a critical tourist resource,
Isumi Railway attracts numerous visitors to the area. The suspension of
operations dealt a heavy blow to local tourism and businesses. Local governments
and tourism operators are working with Isumi Railway to restore and sustain the
region’s tourism industry.
Measures Taken by Isumi Railway
and Future Outlook
- Enhanced Safety Measures:
- Isumi Railway is strengthening track maintenance and
inspection processes in response to the accident. Regular maintenance and
rigorous inspections are being emphasized to ensure safe operations.
- Transparency with Passengers:
- The company is providing detailed updates on the
accident and subsequent measures through its official website and social
media, ensuring transparency with passengers.
- Collaboration with the Local Community:
- By strengthening ties with local governments and
tourism operators, Isumi Railway aims to restore trust and revitalize the
local economy.
- Legal Actions:
- The company is pursuing legal measures against
defamatory social media posts, including obtaining a disclosure order for
sender information and preparing to address these issues to safeguard its
Additional Issues
- Track Irregularities and Missed Inspections:
- Allegations have surfaced that Isumi Railway
neglected regular track inspections. Concerns about irregularities raised
by specific individuals were dismissed as unfounded or fabricated by the
- Leadership and Lack of Expertise:
- The third president, Koichi Furutake, reportedly
lacks knowledge of railway operations. He is quoted as saying, “It’s bold
of me to take on this role despite knowing little about railways, isn’t
- Equipment Deterioration and Concealment Allegations:
- Claims have emerged that the infrastructure across
the railway has deteriorated rapidly. It is alleged that Furutake
concealed significant track issues that could have endangered 100
- Defamation and Legal Actions:
- The company has sought legal recourse against
defamatory posts, obtaining court approval to access the identities of
the posters, and is preparing to take action.
The derailment on Isumi Railway
has become a significant challenge, undermining the company’s reliability.
Investigations into the cause, infrastructure inspections, and legal actions
are ongoing. Efforts to restore trust include bolstering safety measures,
engaging transparently with passengers, and collaborating with the local
Isumi Railway remains committed to
ensuring safe operations and regaining the trust of passengers. Moving forward,
the company must balance its role as a critical local tourism resource while
addressing operational challenges and delivering improved services.