北陸新幹線敦賀延伸後の関西からの観光客減少と課題/Decline in Tourists from Kansai and Challenges after the Hokuriku Shinkansen Extension to Tsuruga.
- 関西2府5県から金沢駅への来訪者延伸前の同期比で31.2%減
- 関西2府5県から加賀温泉駅への来訪者延伸前の同期比で17.7%減
- 敦賀での乗り換えが必要になったこと乗り換え時間(最短8分)が短く、団体旅行には不向きであること。
- 運賃の値上げ金沢-大阪間の運賃が1950円高くなったこと。
- 旅行代理店がツアーを組みにくくなっていること。
- 敦賀駅乗り換えの不便(平均10分以上)さを指摘する声が多数。「不便極まりない」「手間、めんどくさい」といった意見が見られます。
- 運賃の値上げに対する不満の声。「合計運賃も開業前より上がる」という意見があります。
- サンダーバードの区間短縮を惜しむ声。「サンダーバードは区間短縮しない方が良かった」という意見があります。
- 第三セクター化(三セク化)の問題点を指摘する声。「新幹線開業→並行在来線を3セク化の法律は廃止し、JRに戻すのが妥当」という意見や、三セク化が運賃の値上げや乗り換えの増加につながっているという指摘があります。
- 早期の大阪延伸を求める声。「一刻も早く、北陸新幹線の大阪延伸を実現してほしい」という意見が多く見られます。
- 敦賀以南の新幹線ルート見直しを求める声。
- 敦賀〜福井間の新幹線利用が不評であることが窺える反応。「敦賀〜福井間の新幹線利用が嫌われている」という意見があります。
- 福井〜名古屋間の乗り換え回数と所要時間、運賃についての情報提供。「福井-名古屋だと米原・敦賀の2回乗換で最速1時間33分(概ね1時間40分程度)」といった具体的な情報が共有されています。
- 関西・名古屋から福井県・石川県へのアクセスが悪くなったという指摘。特に、JR西日本の三セク化に対する批判が見られます。
- 大阪から和倉温泉への直通列車復活への期待と、三セク化がその実現を遅らせている可能性への言及。
- 上下分離方式(運行がJR西日本、インフラ(普通列車用車両も含む)が第三セクター鉄道)での経営分離を提案する意見。
— ニナタ (@283keininata) December 13, 2024
それほど、敦賀〜福井間の新幹線利用が嫌われているということなのか。 pic.twitter.com/JwFxdOrkYi
関西客3割減の衝撃 金大の調査 「早く大阪へ」声強まる(北國新聞社)#Yahooニュースhttps://t.co/ZcKxhZVRaw
— Hokuriku Express|北陸エクスプレス (@shinkansen_ex) September 14, 2024
— S.Iguchi (@igu1205) September 16, 2024
先日も福井まで行きましたが、不便極まりMAX状態です。その先を新幹線に乗せるためにつるが乗り換え、、、なんでしょうけど、手間、めんどくさい、合計運賃も開業前より上がるわ、= マーケティングの最悪例として学生に教えられますよ。
— ガーストンリーパム (@suehirocho101) September 15, 2024
— ヒロ〠 (@Hiro_Redmoon) September 16, 2024
東北本線、信越本線、北陸本線…… https://t.co/VKXJr3l5Is
— Th06014 (@nogatsuterea) September 15, 2024
— ふっかやどん (@koduck_yadon) September 15, 2024
— Th06014 (@nogatsuterea) September 15, 2024
🟢ハピラインふくい・2025年春ダイヤ改正概要(福井‐敦賀増便など)🟢 https://t.co/JRMxDYpkfI
— 山岸みつる(福井県議会議員・ふくいの党 代表) (@326yamagishi) December 16, 2024
など…→ pic.twitter.com/MdxhZ8iHd3
— 八二兵衛 (@white_mt_) March 21, 2024
米原・敦賀の2回乗換で最速1時間33分(概ね1時間40分程度)、WEB早得7利用で5,690円(高速バスは往復券購入で片道3,250円)… https://t.co/YNZ9xgYW7k pic.twitter.com/goxE6w1buJ
Decrease in Tourists from Kansai after the Hokuriku Shinkansen Extension to Tsuruga: Challenges and Considerations
Six months have passed since the extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Tsuruga, and research from Kanazawa University has revealed a significant decline in tourists from the Kansai region compared to before the extension. Based on the survey results and reactions from users and commentators on social media, here are the key points:
Kanazawa University Survey Results (March to September 2024)
Visitors from Kansai to Kanazawa Station: 31.2% decrease compared to the same period before the extension
Visitors from Kansai to Kagaonsen Station: 17.7% decrease compared to the same period before the extension
These results are based on estimates using smartphone location data and may not accurately reflect the exact number of visitors, but they have caused a significant impact on tourism stakeholders.
Identified Causes of the Decline
Required Transfer at Tsuruga: The need to transfer at Tsuruga, with the shortest transfer time being 8 minutes, is unsuitable for group travel.
Fare Increase: The fare between Kanazawa and Osaka has increased by 1,950 yen.
Difficulty for Travel Agencies: Travel agencies find it harder to organize tours.
Situation in Kaga Onsen
While the number of visitors to Kagaonsen Station has decreased, surveys by Kaga City indicate an increase in Kansai visitors to inns and other accommodations. This is attributed to a high number of visitors traveling by car during the summer.
Reactions from Users and Commentators
Inconvenience of Transferring at Tsuruga Station: Many voice complaints about the inconvenience of transferring (10 minutes or more). Comments like "extremely inconvenient" and "troublesome" are prevalent.
The transfer at Tsuruga is derogatorily referred to as "Tsuruga Sekisho" (Tsuruga Checkpoint).
Dissatisfaction with Fare Increase: There are complaints about the fare increase, with comments like "total fare is higher than before the opening".
Regret Over the Shortening of Thunderbird Route: There are regrets about the shortening of the Thunderbird route, with comments like "The Thunderbird should not have been shortened".
Criticism of the Third Sectorization: Criticisms of the third-sectorization law, which changes parallel conventional lines to third sector lines upon Shinkansen opening, suggesting it should be abolished and returned to JR management. It's pointed out that third-sectorization leads to fare increases and more transfers.
Originally, JR was reluctant to build the Shinkansen, and the government created a system to expedite construction.
Calls for Early Extension to Osaka: Many demand an early extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Osaka.
Requests to Reconsider the Shinkansen Route South of Tsuruga: There are calls to reconsider the Shinkansen route south of Tsuruga.
Disfavor of Using the Shinkansen between Tsuruga and Fukui: Comments indicate disfavor of using the Shinkansen between Tsuruga and Fukui.
Information on Transfer Times and Fares between Fukui and Nagoya: Information like "Fukui to Nagoya requires two transfers at Maibara and Tsuruga, with a fastest travel time of 1 hour 33 minutes (generally around 1 hour 40 minutes)" is shared.
Worsened Access from Kansai and Nagoya to Fukui and Ishikawa: There are criticisms, particularly of JR West's third-sectorization, regarding worsened access from Kansai and Nagoya to Fukui and Ishikawa.
Expectations for the Revival of Direct Trains from Osaka to Wakura Onsen: There are hopes for the revival of direct trains from Osaka to Wakura Onsen, with mentions that third-sectorization delays this realization.
Proposal for Vertical Separation Management: Proposals for vertical separation management, where JR West manages operations and third-sector railways manage infrastructure (including ordinary train vehicles), are suggested.
The parallel conventional line of the West Kyushu Shinkansen (commonly referred to derogatorily as the Nagasaki Shinkansen) is operated by JR Kyushu, but the infrastructure is managed by a third-sector entity, albeit with time-limited conditions.
The extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Tsuruga has brought benefits such as reduced travel time but also created inconveniences for tourists from Kansai, such as transfers and fare increases. These factors are believed to contribute to the decline in tourists from Kansai. On social media, there are many complaints about these issues, with increasing calls for an early extension to Osaka and route reconsideration. There are also criticisms of third-sectorization and calls for the revival of direct trains. Addressing these issues will be crucial moving forward.