群馬県のJRの自動改札機が新しくなる!&飯田線秘境駅号で行く、魅惑の鉄道旅/JR automatic ticket gates in Gunma Prefecture will be renewed! & A fascinating train trip on the Iida Line



  1. 高崎支社で自動改札機が新しくなる!運搬用台車も独自開発!
    • 新しい自動改札機の導入2025年度から高崎支社で新しい自動改札機が導入されます。最新の「センターサーバー方式」を採用しており、処理能力が向上し他のシステムとの連携が容易になります。これにより、Suica体験がさらに便利で快適になることが期待されます。
    • 運搬用台車「Kai-Un」の活用:高崎支社は自動改札機の導入に際し、独自に開発した運搬用台車「Kai-Un」を活用します。この台車は自動改札機を垂直に運ぶことができ、作業の効率化と労働者の負担軽減に貢献します。20259月から吹上駅で実際に活用される予定です。
  2. 幕張豊砂駅でバースデーイベント「まくはりとよすなバースデイアニバーサリー2025」開催!
    • イベント概要2025322日に幕張豊砂駅で開業2周年を記念したバースデーイベントが開催されます。スポーツ体験やグッズ販売、特別な列車シミュレータ体験など、多彩な催しが予定されています。
    • 関連イベント「MAKUHARI Fes2025322日、23日にイオンモール幕張新都心で「MAKUHARI Fes」が開催され、地元企業や学校によるパフォーマンスやゲストアーティストのライブパフォーマンスが楽しめます。
  3. 飯田線で行く、秘境駅を巡る鉄道旅!急行「飯田線秘境駅号」運行!
    • 特別列車の運行20255月と6月には、飯田線で急行「飯田線秘境駅号」が運行されます。秘境駅ランキング上位の駅を含む複数の秘境駅を巡る特別な列車で、通常は通過する駅にも停車します。
    • 3733両編成の列車:列車は全席指定で、乗車券の他に急行券と指定席券が必要です。1日に最大2本運行されますので、乗り遅れないよう注意が必要です。
  4. 御厨駅開業5周年記念!幻の特急「御厨号」運行!
    • 特別な列車運行:御厨駅の開業5周年を記念して、幻の特急「御厨号」が運行されます。特別なヘッドマークを掲げ、静岡駅から御厨駅までを直結します。
    • 快速「みくりや号」の運行:新居町駅から快速「みくりや号」も運行され、浜松駅と磐田駅にも停車します。全席指定で特別な車内装飾や記念品が用意されています。


JR automatic ticket gates in Gunma Prefecture will be renewed! & A fascinating train trip on the Iida Line

We will deliver the hot news of JR East Japan and JR Central in 4 categories. This time, we're talking about an update to the automatic ticket gates, a birthday event at the station, a train trip through a secret station, and a special commemorative train.

  1. The automatic ticket gate will be renewed at the Takasaki branch! We have also developed our own transport trolley!
    • Introduction of new automatic ticket gates: A new automatic ticket gate will be introduced at the Takasaki branch from FY2025. It uses the latest "center server method", which increases processing power and makes it easier to link with other systems. It is hoped that this will make the Suica experience even more convenient and comfortable.
    • Utilization of the Kai-Un transport trolley: The Takasaki Branch Office will use the Kai-Un transport trolley, which was developed independently, when introducing automatic ticket gates. This trolley can carry automatic ticket gates vertically, contributing to work efficiency and reducing the burden on workers. It is scheduled to be actually used at Fukiage Station from September 2025.
  2. Makuhari Toyosa Station will hold a birthday event "Makuhari and Yosuna Birthday Anniversary 2025"!
    • Event Summary: A birthday event will be held on March 22, 2025 at Makuhari Toyosa Station to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the opening. A variety of events are planned, including sports experiences, merchandise sales, and a special train simulator experience.
    • Related event "MAKUHARI Fes": "MAKUHARI Fes" will be held on March 22 and 23, 2025 at AEON MALL Makuhari New City, where you can enjoy performances by local companies and schools, as well as live performances by guest artists.
  3. A train trip on the Iida Line around unexplored stations! Express "Iida Line Unexplored Station" operation!
    • Special train operation: In May and June 2025, the Iida Line will operate the express "Iida Line Secret Station". This is a special train that travels around several unexplored stations, including the top stations in the unexplored station rankings, and also stops at stations that you usually pass through.
    • Series 373 3-car trains: All seats are reserved on the train, and in addition to the train ticket, an express ticket and a reserved seat ticket are required. There are up to two trains per day, so you need to be careful not to miss your ride.
  4. Commemorating the 5th anniversary of the opening of Mikuriya Station! The phantom limited express "Mikuriya-go" is operating!
    • Special Train Operation: To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the opening of Mikuriya Station, the phantom limited express "Mikuriya-go" will be operated. With a special headmark, it connects Shizuoka Station to Mikuriya Station directly.
    • Rapid "Mikuriya-go" operation: The rapid "Mikuriya-go" also runs from Niimachi Station, and also stops at Hamamatsu Station and Iwata Station. All seats are reserved and special interior decorations and souvenirs are provided.
























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