JR東日本次世代新幹線E10系開発とE3系荷物専用新幹線導入へ/JR East Japan next-generation Shinkansen E10 series development and E3 series dedicated freight Shinkansen introduction.
- 車両形式:E10系新幹線電車
- 最高営業運転速度:320km/h
- 編成両数:10両
- 営業運転開始目標:2030年度
- ALFA-Xの技術を活用:次世代新幹線開発の試験プラットフォーム「ALFA-X」で検証してきた技術を応用し、安全性を飛躍的に向上させます。特に、先頭形状はALFA-Xの1号車をベースにしたデザインが採用される見込みです。
- 地震対策の強化
- L型車両ガイド:逸脱防止用L型車両ガイドに加え、更なる安全対策を施します。
- ブレーキ距離の短縮:ブレーキ性能向上により、地震時の緊急ブレーキ制動距離を短縮します。
- 左右動ダンパ:地震時の揺れを吸収する左右動ダンパを採用し、車両の損傷や脱線を防止します。
- 「TRAINDESK」の進化:ビジネス利用客に好評の「TRAINDESK」をさらに発展させたサービスを導入し、より快適な移動空間を提供します。
- 2列+2列シート:座席配置を2列+2列とし、隣席とのスペースにゆとりを創出します。
- プライベート空間の向上:座席間にディバイダを設置、遮音性とプライベート感を向上させ、大型サイドウィングで視線を遮断します。
- 通信環境の改善:Wi-Fiルータを増設し、通信環境を向上させます。
- 全席に電源:コンセントに加え、USB電源も設置します。
- 大型可動式テーブル:作業性を高める幅広で可動式のテーブルを背面に配置します。
- バリアフリー環境の向上:車いすのまま窓からの景色を楽しめる車いすスペースを設置します。
- 大型荷物置き場の拡充:大型荷物に対応するため、荷物置き場を拡幅します。
- スマートメンテナンス:車両の状態に応じた適切な保守を行う「スマートメンテナンス」に対応可能な車両システムを導入します。
- 環境性能の向上:
- ブロアレス誘導電動機:新幹線営業車として初採用となる冷却モーターが不要なブロアレス誘導電動機(自己通風型誘導電動機)を採用します。
- SiC素子インバータ:車両駆動インバータに高効率なSiC(シリコンカーバイド)素子を採用し、車両駆動システムの効率を向上させます。
- 荷物輸送への対応:JR東日本グループが推進する「はこビュン」サービスをより柔軟に展開するため、荷物輸送に対応した設備を導入します。
- 荷物輸送用ドア:5号車に荷物輸送用ドアを設置し、途中駅での積み下ろしを容易にし、「はこビュン」サービスの柔軟性を向上させます。顧客の乗降動線と荷物動線を分離し、スムーズな輸送を実現します。
- 将来的な自動運転を見据えた機能搭載:将来の東北新幹線自動運転導入に向けた準備を行います。
- カラーリング:東北地方の山々を想起させる緑色を基調とし、沿線の自然からインスピレーションを得たカラーリングを採用します。
- 上部:「Tsugarugreen(津軽グリーン)」(明るい緑色)
- 下部:「Eveningelm(イブニングエルム)」(濃い緑色)
- デザインモチーフ:車体横のラインは、これまでの新幹線のイメージを継承しつつ、日本らしさを表現する「桜の花弁」を模した曲線を車両間で繋げ、新幹線デザインに新たな息吹を吹き込みます。
- グランクラスについて:公式発表ではグランクラスについて言及はないものの、E10系の編成の窓配置から、グランクラスが引き続き設定される可能性が高いとSNS上で推測されています。窓配置から9号車がグリーン車、10号車が普通車となる可能性も指摘されています。
- 詳細仕様:今後、詳細な仕様が決定次第、改めて発表されます。
- 走行試験:2027年秋以降に車両が完成後、各種走行試験を実施します。
- 営業運転開始:2030年度内の営業運転開始を目指します。
- 札幌開業向け車両:今後予定されている札幌開業に伴い運用する車両については、今回設計する車両をベースに別途検討されます。このため、E10系は札幌延伸用車両とは別に開発されることが明確になっています。
- デザイン:ALFA-Xの技術が活用された先頭形状に対し、「予想通り」という声や、「E5系から大きくデザインが変わった」という驚きの声がありました。カラーリングについては、「津軽グリーン」「イブニングエルム」という名称とともに、落ち着いた緑色が好意的に受け止められています。一部では、E5系の登場時の「初音ミク」のような愛称公募の話題に触れ、E10系の緑色が「appendミク」を連想させるという意見も見られました。
- TRAINDESKの進化:2列+2列シートの導入や、プライベート空間の向上など、「TRAINDESK」の進化は、ビジネス利用客を中心に歓迎されています。東北新幹線の普通車に2+2列シートが導入されることは、居住性向上への期待を高めています。
- 荷物輸送:5号車に荷物輸送用ドアが設置されることについては、「はこビュン」サービスの利便性向上に繋がるとして、期待する声が上がっています。顧客と荷物の動線分離によるスムーズな輸送への期待も表明されています。
- グランクラス:グランクラスの扱いについては、公式発表で言及がないため、SNS上では様々な憶測が飛び交っています。窓配置からグランクラス存続を予想する意見がある一方で、「グランクラスは廃止されるのではないか」という声も聞かれます。
- E2系・E5系の置き換え:E10系の投入により、E2系が置き換えられることはほぼ確実と見られています。E5系についても、置き換えの対象となる可能性があります。E10系導入後の列車愛称の整理・統合を予想する意見もあり、速達列車「はやぶさ」、停車型列車「はやて」のようなシンプルな体系になる可能性が示唆されています。
- 札幌延伸:E10系は札幌延伸用車両ではないことが明言されたため、札幌延伸用には別途、より高速な車両が開発される可能性が指摘されています。
- 速達性:新幹線の高速性を活かし、迅速な輸送を実現。
- 定時性:鉄道の正確な運行ダイヤにより、安定した輸送が可能。
- 高品質:丁寧な荷物取り扱いと管理で、高品質な輸送を提供。
- 小口から大口まで対応:1箱から、さらには車両貸切による大量輸送まで、幅広いニーズに対応。
- 事前予約不要の「はこビュンQuick」:駅カウンターに直接持ち込み、列車出発30分前まで申し込み可能。
- 北海道・東北・秋田・山形・上越・北陸新幹線
- 在来線特急及び在来線
- 1箱単位の小口輸送から、100箱単位、車両貸切による大口輸送まで
①新幹線 |
はこビュン(法人向け) |
5箱以下 |
3,300円/箱 |
6箱以上 |
2,200円/箱 |
一室貸(40箱程度) |
61,600円/1室 |
大口・車両貸 |
104,500円~/1車両 |
②特急・在来線 |
トランジット(①+②) |
5箱以下 |
1,650円/箱 |
6箱以上 |
1,100円/箱 |
一室貸 |
4,950円/箱 |
大口・車両貸 |
3,300円/箱 |
②はこビュンQuick(法人・個人向け) |
サイズ1号(~60cm,~3kg) |
1,010円 |
サイズ2号(~80cm,~6kg) |
1,330円 |
サイズ3号(~100cm,~12kg) |
2,190円 |
サイズ4号(~120cm,~30kg) |
4,450円 |
- トラック運転手問題の緩和:鉄道輸送へのシフトにより、トラックドライバーの拘束時間を大幅に削減。
- 例:新青森ー東京間約700kmの輸送を新幹線にシフトした場合、年間で10,768時間の拘束時間削減
- CO2排出量削減:環境負荷の低い鉄道輸送への転換により、CO2排出量を大幅に削減。
- 例:年間約192トン、約74世帯分のCO2排出量削減効果
- 地方創生:地方の特産品などを都市部へ迅速に輸送することで、地域産業の活性化、観光客誘致、新たな雇用の創出に貢献。
- はこビュンQuickネットワーク拡大:駅カウンター拡充により、利便性向上。
- 手荷物輸送サービス(JRE手ぶら旅):ホテル間の手荷物当日配送、駅ロッカー受取サービスなど、観光客向けサービス拡充。
- 多機能ロッカー「マルチエキューブ」との連携:ロッカーを活用したホテル配送、宅配サービス。
- ゆうパック×はこビュンによる輸送連携:日本郵政グループとの協業による地方特産品の販路拡大。
- 新幹線貨物輸送サービス「NXスーパーエクスプレスカーゴ」:日本通運との連携による集荷・配達一貫輸送。
- 概要
- E3系1編成を改造し、荷物専用車両として2025年秋から東北新幹線で運行開始
- E5系「やまびこ」と連結し、東京~盛岡間を走行
- 床面フラット化などの改造を施し、大口輸送に対応
- SNSでの反応
- 「E10系の陰に隠れてE3系改造の荷物新幹線がE5系併結で盛岡までやってくることが発表されてる」といったE10系に隠れて発表されたことへの驚きの声
- 「新幹線による荷物輸送が事業化へ。客室を使用した輸送のほか、東北新幹線盛岡新幹線車両センター→東京新幹線車両センター間でE3系改造の荷物輸送専用編成の運行が計画されている模様!」といった計画の詳細についての情報
- 「はこビュンの事業化とE3系の荷物専用新幹線としての運用が今秋から本格化。」といった事業化についての情報
- 「E3系の荷物専用新幹線」が話題とのことで、絶対に採用されないロゴデザインを4案作成しました。何卒ご査収のほどよろしくお願いいたします(半日クオリティ)」といったロゴのデザインを作成した方
- 「新幹線での荷物輸送に専用車両が出来る時代なので、このままいくと色々と鉄道サービスが逆行し始めてビュッフェ車や二階建てグリーン車が爆誕し出す可能性がある」といった今後の鉄道サービスについての予想
- 「E3系2000番台(L62)[幹カタ]7B荷物専用新幹線として噂になっていたL62編成。既に座席リネンも撤去されこのまま廃車になるのかそれとも改造されるのか気になります…。」といった改造されるE3系の現状についての情報
— JR 東日本ニュースリリース【公式】 (@JREast_News) March 4, 2025
JR 東日本は、E2系・E5系新幹線車両の後継となる次期東北新幹線車両の設計に着手します❕
次期東北新幹線車両では「TRAIN… pic.twitter.com/NgZyk73mFz
— 日テレ鉄道部 (@ntv_tetsudobu) March 4, 2025
JR東日本 E5系後継
最高速度は320km/h 10両
画像はJR東日本リリースより pic.twitter.com/ZU85omLEc0
— 白風(しらかぜ) (@sirakaze_00) March 4, 2025
#E10系 pic.twitter.com/WLaNIIeGMh
E10系の陰に隠れてE3系改造の荷物新幹線がE5系併結で盛岡までやってくることが発表されてる・・・。 https://t.co/q1rOwGWT3J pic.twitter.com/IxoNwog3XS
— 牛🐄 (@tamagoshida0734) March 4, 2025
E5系が初めて出た時は、色合いが初音ミクみたいって言われて愛称公募で「はつね」が上位ランクインする珍事もあったけど、E10は黒基調の緑色で、これはこれでappendミクとかっぽいなと思ってしまった pic.twitter.com/u8b8EUCBqj
— Lt.Stapes🍉 (@DarthStapes) March 4, 2025
— 山眺 (@2_VIEVV) March 4, 2025
・札幌開業時はE10系をベースに設計https://t.co/W8F2q3UOvj pic.twitter.com/Hl0qrN9rCJ
E10系の「TRAIN DESKを発展させたサービス」の座席、仕切りや座席まわりとか客受けはよさそうない印象。
— ろくいち (@east_japan) March 4, 2025
(画像はJR東のプロモより引用) pic.twitter.com/6ymM0QANeB
— P・BLUE (@TokaidoBlue) March 4, 2025
今回のE10系はE2・E5系の置き換え用ということで、主に「やまびこ」等で運転する為でしょうかね…? https://t.co/PtOUiTSodf pic.twitter.com/6NVs6BlNO7
— P・BLUE (@TokaidoBlue) March 4, 2025
今回発表されたE10系とは別に検討・開発されるようです! https://t.co/2hVTNkBCRG pic.twitter.com/DerITvJ8xk
— ストーブラック (@sutonbrack) March 4, 2025
— まーくんまさたか✖️🦔 (@SO18_217) March 4, 2025
— P・BLUE (@TokaidoBlue) March 4, 2025
— ルミナスフレア (@Michinoku_350) March 4, 2025
E10系 pic.twitter.com/TuBPBzatfN
— わしみや (@washimiyaOMN01) March 4, 2025
(JR東日本ニュースリリース公式Xよりスクショ) pic.twitter.com/ryb22O2eZn
— karibajct (@karibajct) March 4, 2025
— ケモストリー (@Kemocal1) March 4, 2025
E10系の陰に隠れてE3系改造の荷物新幹線がE5系併結で盛岡までやってくることが発表されてる・・・。 https://t.co/q1rOwGWT3J pic.twitter.com/IxoNwog3XS
— 牛🐄 (@tamagoshida0734) March 4, 2025
“JR東日本「荷物新幹線」始動 専用車も開発、物流網補完 - 日本経済新聞” (1 user) https://t.co/ks8lBmhSyW
— Oricquen (@oricquen) March 4, 2025
上野駅地上ホーム改装し新幹線と直結、荷物列車と臨時列車用のホームに出来ればなぁ https://t.co/pVdScPMlCc
— ε´ っ ・ ω ・ )づ(・ω・c`з (@sirotanist) March 4, 2025
— 配線略図.net@C105 2日目東5ハ45b (@haisennet) March 4, 2025
客室を使用した輸送のほか、東北新幹線盛岡新幹線車両センター→東京新幹線車両センター間でE3系改造の荷物輸送専用編成の運行が計画されている模様! https://t.co/2IBeTNjsfS
はこビュンの事業化とE3系の荷物専用新幹線としての運用が今秋から本格化。https://t.co/RxVwRwKGtc pic.twitter.com/pJKKtkB4ou
— ろくいち (@east_japan) March 4, 2025
|E3系 荷物新幹線¦車両|
— 山眺 (@2_VIEVV) March 4, 2025
┆開始予定時期┆2025年秋https://t.co/vAiKYNNisV pic.twitter.com/FI4nU7MMR3
「E3系の荷物専用新幹線」が話題とのことで、絶対に採用されないロゴデザインを4案作成しました。何卒ご査収のほどよろしくお願いいたします(半日クオリティ) pic.twitter.com/4iY7aem8s1
— ばーみりをん (@OrangeVermilion) February 23, 2025
— なゆほ (@Nayuho6866) March 4, 2025
— ひろくん (@hiromitu1713) March 3, 2025
東北新幹線 9???B
E3系2000番台 新潟廃車回送?
荷物専用新幹線として噂になっていたL62編成。既に座席リネンも撤去されこのまま廃車になるのかそれとも改造されるのか気になります…。#東北新幹線 #E3系 #ソロ電 pic.twitter.com/pxhnfH6uNV
東北新幹線 次世代車両
— 島村悠道 / Yudo S. (@toike_shimamura) March 4, 2025
" E10系 "
・TRAIN DESKを発展させたサービスを導入予定
・北海道新幹線札幌延伸時の運用車両は別途検討 pic.twitter.com/rEFyx5Q8v7
— 蒼崎 一希 (@Kazuki_Aozaki) March 4, 2025
などなど。 https://t.co/nBeQtwJZCi
A new train
"E10 series" is now available on the Tohoku Shinkansen! Operation
will begin in FY2030
On March 4, 2025, To Japan Railway Company
(JR Japan East) announced that it will begin development of the E10 series, the
next Tohoku Shinkansen train, which will replace the E2 and E5 series
Shinkansen trains. We aim to start commercial operations in fiscal 2030.
The E10 series is positioned as a
next-generation Shinkansen that combines the latest technologies with the
technologies it has cultivated over many years, based on the concepts of
"pursuit of ultimate safety," "customer orientation," and
1. Overview of the next Tohoku
Shinkansen train E10 series
- Vehicle type: E10 series Shinkansen
- Maximum operating speed: 320km/h
- Number of trains: 10
- Target for the start of commercial operations: FY2030
Official announcement material of the
next Tohoku Shinkansen train E10 series (image)
2. Concept and main features
The E10 series is based on the following
three concepts and includes a variety of new features and designs that improve
safety, comfort and environmental performance.
(1) Pursuit of ultimate safety
- Utilizing
ALFA-X technology: We will dramatically improve safety by
applying the technology that has been verified by the ALFA-X test platform
for the development of next-generation Shinkansen. In particular, the
design of the first ALFA-X car is expected to be adopted for the top shape.
Comparison of E10 series lead shape and
ALFAX lead shape
- Strengthening Earthquake Countermeasures
- L-Shaped Vehicle Guide: In addition
to the L-shaped vehicle guide to prevent deviations, additional safety
measures are added.
- Reduced braking distance: Improved braking performance reduces emergency braking distancia
defrenado in the event of an earthquake.
Graph of braking distance comparison
(initial speed 320km/h)
- Left-right movement damper: Uses a
left-right movement damper to absorb shaking during an earthquake to
prevent damage and derailment of the vehicle.
(2) Customer-oriented
- Evolution of TRAINDESK: We will
introduce a service that is a further development of TRAINDESK, which is
popular with business customers, to provide a more comfortable travel
- 2 rows + 2 rows of seats: The seating
arrangement is 2 rows + 2 rows, creating more space between adjacent
Image of E10 series 2 rows + 2 rows of
- Increased privacy space: Dividers
are installed between the seats to improve sound insulation and privacy,
and large side wings block the line of sight.
- Improvement of communication environment: Improve the communication environment by installing Wi-Fi
- Power supply in all seats: In addition
to electrical outlets, USB power supplies are also installed.
- Large movable table: Place a wide,
movable table at the back for better workability.
- Improvement of barrier-free environment: We will set up a wheelchair space where wheelchair users can enjoy
the view from the window.
- Expansion of large luggage storage: We will widen the luggage storage area to accommodate large
(3) Toward the realization of a
sustainable society
- Smart maintenance: We will
introduce a vehicle system that can handle "smart maintenance"
that performs appropriate maintenance according to the condition of the
- Improved environmental performance:
- Blowerless induction motor: Bloareless induction motor (self-ventilated induction motor) that does not require
a cooling motor will be used for the first time in a Shinkansen
commercial vehicle.
- SiC element inverter: High-efficiency
SiC (silicon carbide) elements are used in the vehicle drive inverter to
improve the efficiency of the vehicle drive system.
- Handling of luggage transportation: In order to more flexibly develop the "Hakobyun" service
promoted by the JR East Japan Group, we will introduce equipment that can
handle luggage transportation.
- Luggage transport door: A luggage
transport door is installed in car No. 5 to facilitate loading and
unloading at intermediate stations and improve the flexibility of the
"Hakobyun" service. It separates the customer's boarding and
disembarking lines from the cargo flow lines to achieve smooth
Image of the E10 series luggage
transport door (car No. 5)
- Equipped with functions for future autonomous driving: We will
prepare for the introduction of Tohoku Shinkansen autonomous driving in
the future.
Exterior Design - A fusion of nature and innovation in Tohoku
The exterior design of the E10 series is
handled by the British design firm tangerine. This is the first time JR Japan
has appointed an overseas design firm as a vehicle design.
- Coloring: Based on a green color
reminiscent of the mountains of the Tohoku region, the coloring is
inspired by the nature along the line.
- Top: "Tsugarugreen"
(bright green)
- Bottom: "Eveningelm"
(dark green)
E10 series coloring (Tsugaru Green and
Evening Elm)
- Design motif: While inheriting the
image of the Shinkansen so far, the line next to the Shinkansen is
connected between the cars with curves that imitate the petals of cherry
blossoms that express the uniqueness of Japan, breathing new life into the
Shinkansen design.
4. Others
- About the Grand Class: Although
there is no mention of the Grand Class in the official announcement, it
has been speculated on social media that the Grand Class is likely to
continue to be set based on the window arrangement of the E10 series
formation. It has also been pointed out that there is a possibility that
car No. 9 will be a green car and car No. 10 will be a regular car due to
the window arrangement.
Window arrangement on the side of the
E10 series
5. Future Plans
- Detailed specifications: Detailed
specifications will be announced as soon as they are decided.
- Driving tests: After the vehicle is
completed in the fall of 2027, various driving tests will be conducted.
- Commencement of commercial operations: We aim to start commercial operations by the end of fiscal 2030.
- Vehicles for the opening of Sapporo: Vehicles to be operated in conjunction with the planned opening
of Sapporo will be considered separately based on the vehicles to be
designed this time. For this reason, it has been clarified that the E10
series will be developed separately from the Sapporo extension vehicle.
News article announcing that the E10
series will be considered separately from the Sapporo extension vehicle
Reactions on social media
On social media, there was a lot of
reaction to the announcement of the E10 series. Some of the main opinions are
as follows:
- Design: The top
shape utilizing ALFA-X technology was "as expected" and
"the design has changed significantly from the E5 series" with
some comments saying that it was "as expected". As for the
coloring, along with the names "Tsugaru Green" and "Evening
Elm", the calm green color is well received. Some people touched on
the topic of open call for nicknames such as "Hatsune Miku" when
the E5 series was introduced, and some said that the green color of the
E10 series was reminiscent of "append Miku".
Comparison of E5 and E10 series coloring
and SNS posts about Hatsune Miku
introduction of 2+2 rows of seats in ordinary cars on the Tohoku
Shinkansen has raised expectations for improved livability.
- Luggage transportation: There are
high expectations for the installation of a luggage transport door in Car
5 as it will lead to an improvement in the convenience of the
"Hakobyun" service. Expectations for smooth transportation
through the separation of the flow of customers and goods are also
Social media reactions to luggage doors
- Gran Class: There is no mention of
the handling of the Grand Class in the official announcement, so there is
a lot of speculation on social media. While there is an opinion that the
Grand Class will continue to exist from the window layout, there are also
voices that "the Grand Class will be abolished".
media speculation about the survival of the Grand Class
- Replacement of E2 and E5 series: With the introduction of the E10 series, it is almost certain that the
E2 series will be replaced. The E5 series may also be subject to
replacement. There is also an opinion that the train nicknames will be
organized and integrated after the introduction of the E10 series, and it
has been suggested that there is a possibility that the system will be
simple, such as the express train "Hayabusa" and the stop train
Consideration of SNS on E2 series
- Sapporo extension: Since it was clearly stated that the E10
series is not a vehicle for the Sapporo extension, it has been pointed out
that a separate and faster vehicle may be developed for the Sapporo
The Sapporo extension vehicle will be
separately shared on SNS regarding development.
The next Tohoku Shinkansen train, the E10
series, is expected to be the next-generation Shinkansen that combines
"safety," "comfort," and "sustainability" at a
high level. It incorporates a wide range of evolutions,
such as improving safety using ALFA-X technology, improving comfort with the
advanced "TRAINDESK", contributing to the reduction of
environmental impact, and supporting cargo transportation. We can't wait for
the start of commercial operation in FY2030, and attention will be paid to the
release of detailed information in the future.
Sending luggage by bullet train "Hakobyun"
is even more convenient!
On March 4, 2025, the To Japan Railway
Company (JR Japan East) announced the
full-scale commercialization of its groundbreaking luggage transportation
service "Hakobyun". This service aims to make the most of JR
Japan East's vast railway network, including bullet trains and conventional
lines, and contribute to solving problems in the logistics industry and
regional revitalization.
Shinkansen will play a leading role in
freight transportation! Dedicated vehicles are also introduced.
Of particular note in this announcement is
the introduction of a dedicated Shinkansen luggage vehicle. JR East
Japan will remodel one
E3 series Shinkansen train exclusively for transporting all cars of luggage
and will start operation between Morioka and Tokyo from the fall of 2025. This
makes it possible to transport large quantities of goods at high speeds and
establishes new logistics routes to replace traditional trucking.
In addition, from April 18, 2025, charter
transportation using Shinkansen cabins will also begin between Shin-Aomori and
Tokyo. We will start with the Tohoku Shinkansen, and in the future, we plan to
expand to the Joetsu Shinkansen.
What is "Hakobyun"?
"Hakobyun" is a luggage
transportation service that utilizes the railway network provided by the JR
East Japan Group.
- Express: Taking advantage of the
high speed of the Shinkansen, rapid transportation is realized.
- Punctuality: Stable transportation
is possible due to the accurate operation schedule of the railway.
- High quality: Providing
high-quality transportation with careful handling and management.
- Small-lot to large-lot support: We
can meet a wide range of needs, from a single box to mass transportation
by chartering a vehicle.
- "Hakobyun Quick" does not require advance reservation: You can bring it directly to the station counter and apply up
to 30 minutes before the departure of the train.
Transportation Areas and Fees
(1) Objects of transport
- Hokkaido, Tohoku, Akita, Yamagata, Joetsu, Hokuriku Shinkansen
- Limited Express and Conventional Lines
(2) Transportation unit
- From small-lot transportation in units of 1 box to large-volume
transportation in units of 100 boxes and chartered vehicles
(3) Transportation fee (basic)
There are two main types of services:
transportation for corporations and "Hakobyun Quick" for individuals
and corporations.
(1) Shinkansen |
Hakobyun (for corporations) |
5 boxes or less |
3,300 yen/box |
6 boxes or more |
2,200 yen/box |
Room rental (about 40 boxes) |
61,600 yen / 1 room |
Large Lots and Vehicle Loans |
104,500 yen ~ / 1 vehicle |
(2) Limited express and conventional lines |
Transit ((1)+(2)) |
5 boxes or less |
1,650 yen/box |
6 boxes or more |
1,100 yen/box |
Room rental |
4,950 yen/box |
Large Lots and Vehicle Loans |
3,300 yen/box |
(2) Hakobyun Quick (for corporations and individuals) |
Size 1 (~60cm, ~3kg) |
JPY 1,010 |
Size 2 (~80cm, ~6kg) |
JPY 1,330 |
Size 3 (~100cm, ~12kg) |
JPY 2,190 |
Size 4 (~120cm, ~30kg) |
JPY 4,450 |
* The price includes tax,
and one box is assumed to be about 120 cm in total on three sides.
* Excluding first mile
and last mile * Fees vary depending on
the amount of cargo, frequency, transportation section, etc.
* In the case of using
the first car of the E5 series Shinkansen, the estimated fee for the
large-scale regular service from April 18, 2025
For detailed prices and conditions, please
check the JR East Japan Logistics website.
Evolution of reservation and reception
Until now, reservations and reception
methods have been mainly made by phone and e-mail, but from April 2025, it
will evolve to online reservations using JREMALL's reservation system for
corporations and for individuals by the end of fiscal 2025. This greatly
simplifies the booking process and makes it possible to book 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
JR East Japan Logistics will be the center
of the operation, providing total coordination from reservation reception to
loading and unloading of luggage, and the first and last mile in cooperation
with logistics companies.
Contributing to the Resolution of Social
Issues - Will it be the savior of the logistics industry?
The expansion of Hakobyun's business is
expected to make a significant contribution to solving social issues facing
Japan, such as the increasingly serious labor shortage in the logistics
industry, the reduction of CO2 emissions, and regional revitalization.
Contribution Effect
- Alleviating the problem of truck drivers: The shift to rail transportation has significantly reduced the time
truck drivers spend in detention.
- Example: If transportation of about 700 km between Shin-Aomori
and Tokyo is shifted to the Shinkansen, 10,768 hours of detention time
will be reduced per year.
Contribution to Solving Social
IssuesComparison of Trucks and Railways
- Reduction of CO2 emissions: Significant
reduction of CO2 emissions by switching to rail transportation with a
lower environmental impact.
- Example: Approximately 192 tons per year, reducing CO2
emissions by about 74 households
Graph of CO2 emission reduction effect
- Regional revitalization: By quickly
transporting local specialties to urban areas, we contribute to the
revitalization of local industries, attract tourists, and create new jobs.
Expanding "Hakobyun" Network
and New Lifestyles
In the future, we will further expand the
network of "Hakobyun" and expand the service area to all Shinkansen
lines and conventional limited express lines. As a result, the speed and speed
of delivery will be improved to meet the needs of "same-day
delivery". In the future, we will also consider collaborating with air
transportation and aim to expand our services overseas.
A new lifestyle through the expansion of
the network (image)
Examples of new lifestyle service
- Expansion of the Hakobyun Quick network: Convenience is improved by expanding the number of station
- Baggage transportation service (JRE Empty-Handed Travel): Expanded services for tourists, such as same-day baggage
delivery between hotels and station locker pick-up service.
- Cooperation with the multifunctional locker
"Multi-E-Cube": Hotel delivery and
home delivery services using lockers.
- Transportation cooperation through Yu-Pak × Hakobyun: Expansion of sales channels for local specialties through
collaboration with the Japan Post Group.
- Shinkansen freight transportation service "NX Super
Express Cargo": Integrated collection and
delivery transportation in collaboration with Japan Express.
About separation from JR Freight
The Luggage Shinkansen is an initiative in
which JR Japan transports passengers and freight transportation by rail itself.
This will be a competition with JR Freight, but it is naturally legal for JR
Passenger Company to transport freight because some companies have been in the
rail freight transportation business for a long time, so it does not conflict
with the Antimonopoly Act. Reservations are made not through JR Freight, but
through the JR East Japan Group's website.
Regarding the separation from JR Freight,
the delivery lead time seems to be a decisive difference. Freight
transportation by JR Freight and JR Passenger Company is the same for
individuals and corporations, but JR Freight can be used by individuals, but it
is used in units of one container. On the other hand, the luggage Shinkansen
operated by JR passenger companies can be used from one box unit.
As for the lead time, due to the operation
characteristics of JR Freight, it takes a minimum of several days from shipping
to arrival, but in the case of the Luggage Shinkansen, demand is expected for
same-day shipment from distant places. For example, it is possible to transport
medical goods and precision equipment that cannot be transported by freight
train or truck at low cost and at the fastest speed.
For railway enthusiasts and people outside
Japan, the Tohoku Shinkansen is Tokyo ~ Shin-Aomori, and the Hokkaido
Shinkansen is Shin-Aomori ~ Shin-Hakodate Hokuto, but the reason why Morioka on
the way is a problem is that Morioka ~ Shin-Aomori ~ Shin-Hakodate Hokuto is a
Shinkansen section newly built after Heisei, and the parallel conventional line
is the third sector. There is a possibility that there will be a dispute
between the third sector of the parallel conventional line and JR Freight
regarding infrastructure usage fees (track usage fees).
For this reason, it is difficult to start
operation only on the Shinkansen section built during the JNR era, which does
not conflict with the parallel conventional line section, and if the E3 series
Shinkansen runs alone, it is difficult to run alone due to the brakes when it
snows. In addition, I guess that one of the reasons is that Morioka ~
Shin-Aomori ~ Shin-Hakodate Hokuto is impossible to operate in a 17-car train
of 10 cars + 7 cars due to the length of the platform.
Luggage Shinkansen (E3 series
- summary
- One train of the E3 series will be remodeled and will start
operation on the Tohoku Shinkansen from the fall of 2025 as a
luggage-only vehicle
- Connected to the E5 series "Yamabiko" and running
between Tokyo ~ Morioka
- Modifications such as flattening the floor surface are made to
support large-volume transportation
- Reactions on social media
- "Hidden in the shadow of the E10 series, it has been
announced that the luggage bullet train remodeled from the E3 series will
come to Morioka with the combined E5 series."
- In addition to transportation using guest rooms, it seems that
there are plans to operate a dedicated train for luggage transportation
of the E3 series between the Tohoku Shinkansen Morioka Shinkansen Rolling
Stock Center → the Tokyo Shinkansen Rolling Stock Center!"
Information about the details of the plan, such as
- Information about commercialization, such as
"Commercialization of Hakobyun and operation as a luggage Shinkansen
of the E3 series will begin in earnest from this autumn."
- The "E3 series luggage bullet train" is a hot topic,
so we have created four logo designs that will never be adopted. Thank
you for your kind review (half-day quality)"
- "Since it is an era when dedicated vehicles can be used
to transport luggage on the Shinkansen, if this continues, the railway
service will start to go backwards in various ways, and there is a
possibility that buffet cars and double-decker green cars will
- "The L62 train, which was rumored to be an E3 series 2000
series (L62) [trunk kata] 7B luggage-only Shinkansen, has already been
removed and the seat linen has already been removed, and I am wondering
if it will be scrapped as it is or if it will be remodeled ..."
Information on the current status of the E3 system to be remodeled such
JR Japan's full-scale launch of the
"Hakobyun" business has the potential to bring innovation to the
logistics industry and make a significant contribution to solving social
issues. By utilizing the high-speed transportation infrastructure of the
Shinkansen, it can be said that it is an initiative to kill three birds with
one stone, simultaneously improving logistics efficiency, reducing
environmental impact, and revitalizing regional areas.
We can't take our eyes off the expansion of the "Hakobyun" service and network expansion in the future. For more information on the service and how to apply, please visit the JR East Japan Logistics website.