東北新幹線E6系とE5系(H5系)が走行中に連結部が外れた件について/Regarding the case of the Tohoku Shinkansen E6 series and E5 series (H5 series) being disconnected while traveling




  • 発生日時:202536
  • 発生場所:東北新幹線 上野駅~大宮駅間 (東京駅から約6km地点)
  • 当該列車:3021B 東北新幹線「はやぶさ21号」(H5H3編成) + 「こまち21号」(E6Z7編成)


  • 状況
    • 走行中に連結部分が外れ、自動ブレーキが作動し停車。
    • 連結が外れた時の速度は約時速60キロメートル。
    • 離れた車両間の距離は約8メートル。
    • 連結部分の破損は確認されず。
    • 乗客にけが人などはなし。
  • 原因
    • JR東日本は「こまち」側の連結部分に原因がある可能性が高いとみて調査中。
    • 電気的な指令で連結が外れる構造のため、回路の異常や端子のトラブルなどを調査。
    • 走行中に連結部分が外れる途中段階の「分割準備中」という状態になった後、完全に外れたとみられる。
    • 「分割準備中」の状態になった原因は不明。
    • 昨年9月にも同様の事象が発生しており対策を講じていたが、今回は前回とは異なる仕組みでトラブルが発生したとJR東日本は考えている。


  • 記者会見:池田裕彦新幹線統括本部長が謝罪。「極めて重大であり、重く受け止めている。多くのお客様にご迷惑とご心配をおかけしていることを深くおわび申し上げる」と陳謝。
  • 運転見合わせ:原因が判明し、必要な対策が完了するまでの間、新幹線を連結させた運転を全て取りやめ。
    • 「はやぶさ」と「こまち」は個別に運転。
    • 「こまち」は盛岡駅~秋田駅間のみの運転。
    • 「つばさ」は一部列車(全区間単独運転のみ)を除き福島駅~新庄駅間のみの運転。
  • 直通運転中止:秋田・山形新幹線への直通運転は中止。秋田方面へは盛岡駅、山形方面へは福島駅で乗り換えが必要。
  • 運輸安全委員会の調査:鉄道重大インシデントとして、運輸安全委員会が担当調査官3名を指名し、調査を開始。

運行への影響 (37)

  • 秋田新幹線「こまち」:東京~盛岡駅間で運休。盛岡駅~秋田駅間のみ運転。
  • 山形新幹線「つばさ」:「つばさ121号・160号」を除く全ての列車が福島駅~新庄駅間のみ運転。東京方面からの列車は福島駅で折り返し。
  • 東北新幹線:「はやぶさ」「やまびこ」などは通常通り運転(連結運転は取りやめ)。
  • 北陸新幹線:一時、東北新幹線内の車両点検の影響で運転見合わせや遅延が発生したが、午後234分に運転再開。


  • Twitter上では、事故現場の写真や動画が投稿され、騒然となっている様子がうかがえます。
  • JR東日本の対応や安全体制への批判的なコメントも見られます。「JR東日本は完全点検をしているのでしょうか?」「もうJR東日本の安全体制は腐ってる」といった声が出ています。
  • 一方で、運転再開に関する情報や、運転変更になった山形新幹線の写真なども投稿されています。
  • 連結が外れた当該車両(E6Z7編成、H5H3編成)が連結器カバーを開けたまま仙台方面へ回送される様子も投稿されています。




Regarding the case of the Tohoku Shinkansen E6 series and E5 series (H5 series) being disconnected while traveling

On March 6, 2025, a serious incident occurred on the Hayabusa-Komachi 21 traveling on the Tohoku Shinkansen, in which the connecting part was disconnected. JR East Japan held a press conference to apologize and explain the situation.

Incident Summary

  • Date of occurrence: March 6, 2025
  • Location: Tohoku Shinkansen between Ueno Station ~ Omiya Station (about 6km from Tokyo Station)
  • Train: 3021B Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayabusa 21" (H5 series H3 formation) + "Komachi 21" (E6 series Z7 formation)

* The contents of the H5 series (JR Hokkaido) and the E5 series (JR East) are almost the same, only the owning company is different.

  • situation
    • While driving, the connecting part came off, and the automatic brake was activated and the car stopped.
    • When the connection is removed, the speed is about 60 kilometers per hour.
    • The distance between distant vehicles is about 8 meters.
    • No damage to the connection was confirmed.
    • No passengers were injured.
  • cause
    • JR East Japan is investigating the possibility that the cause is the connection part on the "Komachi" side.
    • Since the structure is such that the connection is disconnected by electrical commands, we investigated circuit abnormalities and terminal troubles.
    • It seems that it was completely disconnected after entering the state of "preparing for splitting" in the middle stage, when the connecting part was removed during driving.
    • The cause of the "preparing for split" state is unknown.
    • A similar incident occurred in September last year, and countermeasures were taken, but JR Japan East believes that the trouble occurred this time with a different mechanism than the previous time.

Response of JR East Japan

  • Press conference: Hirohiko Ikeda, general manager of the Shinkansen General Headquarters, apologized. "This is extremely serious and we take it very seriously, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused to many customers," Chen Xie said.
  • Suspension of operation: Until the cause is identified and the necessary measures are completed, all operation of the Shinkansen is canceled.
    • "Hayabusa" and "Komachi" operate separately.
    • "Komachi" operates only between Morioka Station ~ Akita Station.
    • "Tsubasa" operates only between Fukushima Station ~ Shinjo Station, except for some trains (only single operation in all sections).
  • Cancellation of direct operation: Direct operation to the Akita-Yamagata Shinkansen has been canceled. To Akita you need to change trains at Morioka Station, and to Yamagata at Fukushima Station.
  • Investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board: As a major railway incident, the National Transportation Safety Board appointed three investigators to investigate the incident.

Impact on operations (March 7)

  • Akita Shinkansen "Komachi": Suspended between Tokyo ~ Morioka Station. Operates only between Morioka Station ~ Akita Station.
  • Yamagata Shinkansen "Tsubasa": All trains except "Tsubasa No. 121 and No. 160" operate only between Fukushima Station ~ Shinjo Station. Trains from Tokyo turn around at Fukushima Station.
  • Tohoku Shinkansen: "Hayabusa" and "Yamabiko" will operate as usual (articulated operation has been canceled).
  • Hokuriku Shinkansen: At one point, there was a suspension or delay due to vehicle inspections on the Tohoku Shinkansen, but operation resumed at 2:34 p.m.

Social media reactions

  • On Twitter, photos and videos of the accident scene have been posted, indicating an uproar.
  • There are also comments that are critical of JR East Japan's response and safety system. "Does JR East Japan do a full inspection?" JR East Japan's safety system is already rotten."
  • On the other hand, information about the resumption of operation and photos of the Yamagata Shinkansen, which has been rescheduled, have also been posted.
  • It is also posted that the disconnected vehicles (E6 series Z7 formation, H5 series H3 formation) are transferred to Sendai with the coupler cover open.

Future Prospects

JR East Japan has said that it will suspend the connected operation until the cause is investigated and countermeasures are completed, and it is expected that it will take time to resume direct operation to the Akita-Yamagata Shinkansen. The National Transportation Safety Board will also investigate the cause and consider more detailed causes and measures to prevent recurrence.

Please note that customers should check the official information of JR East Japan for the latest operation information, and take measures such as transfers.
























JR東日本の”首都圏シリーズ”の正式名称が判明?/Official Names Revealed for JR East's 'Metropolitan Area Series' Departure Melodies?

動画のコメント欄が内部告発大会になっている件について/Regarding the comment section of the video turning into a whistleblowing forum on the dark side of railway companies.