JR西日本(JR東海)285系サンライズエクスプレス(瀬戸・出雲)老朽化に伴う後継・存廃問題/JR West (JR Central) 285 Series Sunrise Express (Seto/Izumo) Aging and Successor/Sustainability Issues"




  • 高い乗車率
    • コロナ禍でも高い乗車率を維持し、2022年のゴールデンウィークやお盆期間は満席となる盛況ぶり。
    • 他の昼行特急が乗車率で苦戦する中、個室寝台というプライベート空間を重視した点が評価されている。
    • 2023年の乗車率は78割。長期的に見ても緩やかな上昇傾向が続いている。
  • 車両の老朽化
    • 使用されている285系電車は登場から24年が経過し、後継車両の議論が必要な時期。
  • 収益性の課題
    • 寝台特急は昼行特急に比べて定員が少なく、1日に1運行しかできないため、収益性が低い。
    • JR各社の思惑の違いから、後継車両の開発や運行に関する合意形成が難しい。


  • JR東日本
    • 東京駅発着は運行本数の多い首都圏の路線網のダイヤを組む上で、ネックとなっており、品川駅や上野駅(大宮駅)発着を望んでいる可能性がある。
    • 上野東京ラインの東京~上野間にある急勾配を通過が可能な仕様を求める可能性が高い
    • 通勤ラッシュの本数増やしたいから邪魔という意見もある。
    • 満席でも乗務員や駅員の深夜手足などを考えると利益が出ないし避けたい後継車両はない。
    • サンライズの中で収入区間が少ないし夜行専用のため留置線に場所を取るのが大きい。
  • JR東海(サンライズ保有会社 2編成)
    • 運行するだけで収入が得られ、車両を保有していれば他社からのレンタル料も入るため、運行には前向きである。
    • 深夜に長距離なので何もせず利益が出る。
    • 「これからも必要な存在」とコメントしている。
    • ただし、深夜の保線作業の邪魔になるという意見もある。
    • JR東海内の停車駅を全て通過扱いを望む意見もある。
  • JR西日本(サンライズ保有会社 3編成)
    • 地域への経済効果を期待しており、必要であれば車両の更新を検討したいと考えている。
    • 「多くのお客さまにご利用していただいている」「必要であれば、車両の更新を検討したいと考えている」との声明を発表。
  • JR四国
    • 遠方からの利用客増加による増収を期待している。
    • 新幹線がない代わりに、サンライズを必要と考えている。




  • 後継車両の可能性
    • 全席個室化や、昼行特急としても利用できるような多目的車両の可能性が議論されている。
    • JR東日本の二階建てグリーン車を7連にした車両で形式名もE263系、W263系を名乗るという予想もある。
  • 課題
    • JR各社の利害関係が複雑であり、合意形成が難しい。
    • 長距離路線であるため、遅延のリスクや人件費などのコストも考慮する必要がある。
    • JR各社を繋いで運転する事が大きい。サンライズの後継車両を仮に造るのだとしたらノビノビ席を廃止して全て個室化。上下列車とも大阪停車。JR東海内の停車駅を全て通過扱い。上りのサンライズを東京6時台に着くダイヤという意見もある。


  • サンライズエクスプレスの存続には、JR各社の協力と、収益性を向上させるための工夫が必要となる。
  • ファンの間では、寝台特急の魅力を広め、存続を求める声が高まっている。
  • JR西日本は、車両の更新を検討したいと考えているが、他のJR東日本、JR東海の考えが重要となる。


  • 過去にはJR東日本も北斗星を存続させるつもりで機関車を新造したという情報もある。
  • JR東海が在来線蔑視という意見もあるが、サンライズ瀬戸・出雲が運転されていること、315系の開発、ほかHC85系の開発及び試運転、383系の後継車両の示唆を考えるに蔑視はしていないという意見もある。

Sleeper Express "Sunrise Seto Izumo"Despite its high popularity, it faces problems with successors and survival due to the aging of its vehicles

Current Status and Challenges of Sunrise Express

  • High ridership
    • It maintains a high ridership rate even during the Corona disaster, and is a success that is fully booked during Golden Week and Obon in 2022.
    • While other daytime express trains struggled with ridership, the emphasis on the private space of a private sleeper was highly evaluated.
    • The ridership rate in 2023 is 7~8%. From a long-term perspective, the gradual upward trend has continued.
  • Aging vehicles
    • It has been 24 years since the appearance of the 285 series trains in use, and it is time to discuss the successor trains.
  • Profitability Challenges
    • Sleeper express trains have fewer capacity than daytime express trains and can only operate once a day, making them less profitable.
    • Due to differences in the intentions of the JR companies, it is difficult to reach a consensus on the development and operation of successor trains.

Speculation of JR companies

  • JR East Japan
    • Arriving and departing from Tokyo Station is a bottleneck in organizing the schedule of the route network in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which has a large number of trains, and there is a possibility that they want to depart and arrive at Shinagawa Station or Ueno Station (Omiya Station).
    • There is also an opinion that it is a hindrance because they want to increase the number of commuter rush trains.
    • Even if it is full, it will not be profitable considering the late-night limbs of the crew and station staff, and there is no successor car that we want to avoid.
    • There are few income sections in Sunrise, and since it is only for night travel, it takes up a lot of space on the detention line.
    • The specification requirements are likely to demand the ability to pass through steep gradients between Tokyo and Ueno."
  • JR Central
    • It is positive to operate because it earns income just by operating it, and if you own a vehicle, you can also rent it from other companies.
    • It's a long distance in the middle of the night, so you can make a profit without doing anything.
    • "We will continue to be necessary," he said.
    • However, there is an opinion that it interferes with late-night maintenance work.
    • There is also an opinion that all stops in JR Central should be treated as passing.
  • JR West Japan
    • It expects an economic impact on the region and would like to consider updating the vehicle if necessary.
    • The company released a statement saying that it is "used by many customers" and that "if necessary, we would consider updating the vehicle."
  • JR Shikoku
    • The company expects an increase in revenue due to an increase in customers from afar.
    • Instead of having a bullet train, he thinks he needs a sunrise.

Based on the above, I think JR East Japan is the biggest bottleneck. In the past, the crew of the sleeper express was withdrawn from the service of the sleeper express with the start of the Narita Express service, and I think it will be seen as a negative feeling about the sleeper express to and from Tokyo.

There is an image that JR Central is the one that I want to abolish the most just by passing through, but since I own the Sunrise Express as if it were a real estate investment, I think that JR East is probably the one I want to abolish the most because I have it like Japan real estate.

Discussion of successor vehicles

  • Possibility of successor vehicles
    • The possibility of making all seats private rooms and multi-purpose vehicles that can be used as daytime express trains is being discussed.
    • It is expected that JR Japan's double-decker green car will be a seven-row vehicle, and the model name will be E263 series and W263 series.
  • subject
    • The interests of each JR company are complex, and it is difficult to build a consensus.
    • Since it is a long-haul route, it is necessary to consider costs such as the risk of delays and labor costs.
    • It is important to connect JR companies and drive them. If we were to build a successor to the Sunrise, we would abolish the Nobinobi seats and make them all private rooms. Both upper and lower trains stop in Osaka. All stops in JR Central are treated as passing. There is also an opinion that the uphill sunrise is a timetable that arrives at 6 o'clock in Tokyo.

Future Prospects

  • In order for Sunrise Express to survive, it will be necessary for JR companies to cooperate and devise ways to improve profitability.
  • There is a growing demand among fans to spread the appeal of the sleeper express and to keep it alive.
  • JR West Japan would like to consider updating its rolling stock, but the other JR East Japan JR Central's ideas will be important.


  • In the past, there is information that JR East Japan also built a new locomotive with the intention of keeping Hokutosei alive.
  • There is an opinion that JR Central is disdainful of conventional lines, but there is also an opinion that it is not disdainful considering the fact that Sunrise Seto and Izumo are operating, the development and trial operation of the 315 series, the development and trial operation of the HC85 series, and the suggestion of a successor to the 383 series.
























JR東日本の”首都圏シリーズ”の正式名称が判明?/Official Names Revealed for JR East's 'Metropolitan Area Series' Departure Melodies?

動画のコメント欄が内部告発大会になっている件について/Regarding the comment section of the video turning into a whistleblowing forum on the dark side of railway companies.