小田急電鉄「ロマンスカーの子育て応援車」運用開始/Odakyu Electric Railway Begins Operation of 'Odakyu Romance Car Parenting Support Vehicle
- 運用開始日:2025年4月15日(火)
- 予約開始日時:2025年3月15日(土)10:00
- 対象列車:新宿駅を11:00~16:59に出発、または新宿駅に11:00~17:59に到着するロマンスカー(平日・土休日とも)
- 対象号車:3号車
- 運用区間:小田急線、箱根登山線
- キャンペーン:「ロマンスカーの子育て応援車」利用後、アンケートに回答した方の中から抽選で「もころん」グッズをプレゼント
- 特急ロマンスカー・MSE(60000形)では、2025年3月3日(月)から順次、車内チャイムが「もころん」のテーマソングに変更されます。
- 2025年3月下旬には、「もころん」がデザインされたヘッドマークが掲出される予定です。
- 「もころん」がお出迎え:小田急の子育て応援マスコットキャラクター「もころん」の装飾で、車内は明るく楽しい雰囲気に。
- 快適な座席:「もころん」があしらわれた特別なヘッドレストカバーで、座り心地もさらにアップ。
- 充実の設備:3号車付近にはベビーベッド付きトイレや自動販売機も完備。
- 運行開始日:2025年4月15日(火)
- 対象列車:新宿駅発11:00~16:59、新宿駅着11:00~17:59のロマンスカー(一部列車を除く)
- 対象号車:3号車
- 予約:2025年3月15日(土)10:00より予約受付開始
- 「子連れでロマンスカーに乗るのが楽になりそう!」
- 「もころんの装飾が可愛くて、子供が喜びそう。」
- 「ベビーベッド付きトイレが近くにあるのは助かる。」
- 「子育て世代への配慮が嬉しい。」
- 「ロマンスカーでのお出かけが楽しみになった。」
- 「子育て応援車以外に乗りたい人もいる。」
- 「3号車以外の子育て世代への配慮はどうなるのか。」
- 「もころんの装飾が派手すぎる。」
- 「対象時間帯が限られているのが残念。」
- 「特急料金は通常と同額なので、もう少し安くしてほしい。」
- 「キャンペーンのグッズが欲しい!」
- 「MSEのチャイムも楽しみ。」
- 「ヘッドマークを見に行きたい。」
- 「子育て世代だけでなく、他の世代への配慮もしてほしい。」
- 子育て世代からは、概ね好評な意見が多く見られます。
- 一方で、子育て世代以外からは、様々な意見が出ています。
- 「もころん」のキャラクターについては、好みが分かれるようです。
- 小田急電鉄の「子育て応援」に対する取り組みに対して注目が集まっています。
ホントにロマンスカーMSEの車内チャイムが #もころん テーマソングになってた‼️
— 小田急沿線の人 (@VSE_Romancecar) March 3, 2025
ついに #MSEもころん号 爆誕だ🤣#今日はどこにでかけよう#今日は仕事に出かけたよ pic.twitter.com/vtrZ2h6RJw
— おぜんぎょう (@obakyu_e) March 3, 2025
MSEにもころんの車内チャイム変更とヘッドマークを取り付けとの事https://t.co/wqR9FYU7Pn pic.twitter.com/vgLHcycV5m
4/15 小田急「ロマンスカーの子育て応援車」運用開始https://t.co/dQn9OODAP5
— 花百 (@akaobi_7001) March 3, 2025
・MSEでは3/3から順次車内チャイムをもころんのテーマソング「今日はどこにでかけよう」に変更、3月下旬にはもころんデザインのヘッドマークを掲出 pic.twitter.com/FJHki9eIbz
もころんの車内チャイムに変更ねぇ〜、正直やり過ぎな気がする…。 https://t.co/bMIIPM6lME
— 厚木の乗り鉄@HSK5級勉強中 (@nakaon2200) March 3, 2025
— おとてつ🍤🐱🍓 (@ototetsu_kan) March 3, 2025
On Tuesday, April 15, 2025, Odakyu Electric
Railway Co., Ltd. will start operating
Car No. 3 of all limited express romance cars as a "romance car child-rearing
support vehicle".
This measure is based on the
"Child-Rearing Support Policy" set forth by Odakyu Electric Railway
in November 2021, and will be implemented so that the child-rearing generation
can use the Romance Car more comfortably. Car No. 3 will be equipped with a
sticker of the child-rearing support mascot character "Mokoron" and a
special headrest cover to promote the creation of an environment that watches
over the child-rearing generation.
- Start of operation: Tuesday, April
15, 2025
- Reservation start date: Saturday,
March 15, 2025 10:00
- Applicable trains: Romance cars
departing from Shinjuku Station at 11:00~16:59 or arriving at Shinjuku
Station at 11:00~17:59 (weekdays, weekends and holidays)
- Target car: Car No. 3
- Operating section: Odakyu Line,
Hakone Tozan Line
- Campaign: After using the
"Romance Car Child-Rearing Support Car", those who answered the
questionnaire will be selected by lottery to receive "Mokoron"
Other Initiatives
- On the Limited Express Romance Car MSE (60000 series), the
in-car chimes will be changed to the theme song of "Mokoron"
from March 3, 2025 (Monday).
- In late March 2025, a head mark with the design of
"Mokoron" will be displayed.
[Odakyu Romance Car] "Child-rearing
support car" operation will start on April 15th! Car No. 3 is a special
From April 15, 2025 (Tuesday), Odakyu
Electric Railway will start operating car No. 3 of all limited express romance
cars as "romance car child-rearing support vehicles". The vehicle
welcomes families with young children with special interiors and amenities to
make their journey in a romance car more comfortable and secure.
Features of child-rearing support
- "Mokoron" welcomes you:
Odakyu's child-rearing support mascot character "Mokoron" is
decorated, creating a bright and fun atmosphere inside the car.
- Comfortable seats: Special headrest
covers with "Mokoron" make the seat even more comfortable.
- Full facilities: There is also a
toilet with a baby cot and a vending machine near car No. 3.
Operation Information
- Service start date: Tuesday, April
15, 2025
- Applicable trains: Romance cars
departing from Shinjuku Station at 11:00~16:59 and arriving at Shinjuku
Station at 11:00~17:59 (excluding some trains)
- Target car: Car No. 3
- Reservations: Reservations will be
accepted from 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 15, 2025.
To commemorate the start of operation, we
will also hold a campaign in which you can win "Mokoron" goods by
lottery if you ride the "Romance Car Child-Rearing Support Car" and
answer the questionnaire.
Reactions on SNS about Odakyu Romance
Car's "Child-rearing Support Car"
The main positive opinions:
- "It will be easier to ride in a romance car with
- "The decorations are cute, and the children will be
- "It helps that there is a toilet with a crib nearby."
- "I'm glad that you are considerate of the child-rearing
- "I'm looking forward to going out in a romance car."
The main negative opinion:
- "There are people who want to ride in a car other than a
child-rearing support vehicle."
- "What will happen to consideration for the child-rearing
generation other than the No. 3 car?"
- "The decorations are too flashy."
- "It's unfortunate that the target time is limited."
- "The express fare is the same as usual, so I would like it
to be a little cheaper."
Other opinions:
- "I want campaign goods!"
- "I'm also looking forward to the chimes of MSE."
- "I want to go see the headmark."
- "I want you to consider not only the child-rearing
generation, but also other generations."
Trends in reactions on social media:
- There are many generally positive opinions from the
child-rearing generation.
- On the other hand, there are various opinions from people other
than the child-rearing generation.
- As for the character of "Mokoron", there seems to be
a difference in taste.
- Odakyu Electric Railway's efforts to support child-rearing are
attracting attention.
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