いすみ鉄道運行再開延期とSNSといすみ鉄道サイドのいざこざ/Postponement of Isumi Railway Service Resumption and Conflicts with SNS and Isumi Railway Side










  • 鉄道の知識や経験が不足しているにも関わらず、いすみ鉄道の経営に関わっている人物に関する情報
  • いすみ鉄道の経営状況や安全管理体制に関する問題点
  • いすみ鉄道の社長や経営陣の言動に関する批判的な内容
  • いすみ鉄道の利用客や沿線住民からの不満や意見
  • いすみ鉄道の将来性に対する懸念






  • 鉄道に関する知識や経験が不足しているにも関わらず、社長に就任していること。
  • 社長就任後の業績が低迷しており、路線の維持や活性化に貢献しているとは言えないこと。
  • 会社のお金を不正に使用している疑惑があること。
  • 従業員や地域住民に対して、パワハラや脅迫行為を行っていること。




  • 公然性:不特定多数の人が認識できる状態で、事実を摘示すること。
  • 虚偽性:摘示された事実が真実ではないこと。
  • 違法性:摘示された事実が、社会的に許容される範囲を超えていること。




Postponement of Isumi Railway Service Resumption and Conflicts with SNS and Isumi Railway Side

The Isumi Railway in Chiba Prefecture has been out of service on the entire line since the derailment accident that occurred in October 2024. Recovery work has been underway aiming to resume operations around spring 2025. However, the specific date for resumption has not been announced yet, and information is constantly changing.

Initially, the president of Isumi Railway expressed his intention to announce a concrete schedule for the resumption of operations by the end of January, but no announcement was made. The official website explains that it is difficult to provide details at this stage due to the time-consuming nature of recovery work and the inspection and adjustment of track equipment.

Meanwhile, Isumi Railway, together with Kominato Railway, has launched a crowdfunding project aimed at revitalizing the surrounding areas and is proceeding with plans to support various projects that promote the region's attractions.

Regarding the recovery of Isumi Railway, it is expected that the specific plan formulation will still take time due to the need for certain periods for trial runs, in addition to the movement of the derailed vehicle and the track maintenance such as sleeper replacement.

On social media, posts about the topic of Isumi Railway and the state of recovery work have been made, and it can be seen that many people are eagerly awaiting the resumption of operations.

There are various concerns raised regarding the president’s qualifications and management situation, highlighting many issues such as the derailment accident and the delay in subsequent responses. There are voices from local residents and railway fans calling for fundamental reforms toward restoring trust in Isumi Railway and ensuring safe operations.

Concerns about Isumi Railway

  • Information about individuals involved in the management of Isumi Railway despite lacking knowledge and experience in railways.
  • Issues regarding the management situation and safety management system of Isumi Railway.
  • Criticisms regarding the statements and actions of the president and management team of Isumi Railway.
  • Complaints and opinions from users and residents along the Isumi Railway line.
  • Concerns about the future of Isumi Railway.

These pieces of information may be shared on social media to highlight the current situation and challenges of Isumi Railway.

Defamation Lawsuit by Isumi Railway President for Comments on Track Maintenance?

Regarding the Isumi Railway President, Koichi Furutake, and the issues of defamation, various problems have been pointed out regarding President Furutake's qualifications and management situation.

Main Issues

  • Despite lacking knowledge and experience in railways, he was appointed as president.
  • Since his appointment, business performance has been sluggish, and he has not contributed to the maintenance or revitalization of the line.
  • There are suspicions of misusing company funds.
  • Harassment or threats towards employees and local residents.

In response to these issues, voices demanding President Furutake's resignation have been raised by users and residents along the Isumi Railway. Additionally, on social media, information about President Furutake's past statements and actions is spreading, and many critical opinions are being expressed.

Regarding Defamation

If the information about President Furutake is unfounded and seriously damages his reputation, it may constitute defamation. However, for defamation to be established, several requirements must be met:

  • Publicity: The fact must be stated in a state where an unspecified number of people can recognize it.
  • Falsity: The stated fact is not true.
  • Illegality: The stated fact exceeds the socially acceptable range.

If President Furutake feels his reputation has been damaged, he can take legal action.


The issue of defamation concerning Isumi Railway President Koichi Furutake may significantly impact the management situation and future of Isumi Railway.





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