新幹線に大きな動き!サンライズエクスプレスの未来は?【モリコラ第110章】/A big move on the Shinkansen! What is the future of Sunrise Express? [MoriCola Chapter 110]
- 2025年3月2日、落石によりえちぜん鉄道の列車が脱線。
- 運転見合わせと代行バス運行。
- 人気ポケモン「カイリュー」のラッピング列車が当該車両。
- 高い人気の一方で、車両の老朽化が進行。
- JR各社の思惑の違いから、後継車両の議論が難航。
- JR東日本が一番ネックになっている。
- N700Sの追加投入とN700系の8両編成化改造。
- N700系6000番台(8両短縮化編成)誕生。
- 2027年を目途に500系が引退。
- 2025年4月15日から、ロマンスカー全編成の3号車が「子育て応援車」に。
- 「もころん」の装飾やベビーベッド付きトイレなど、子育て世代に配慮した設備。
- 2030年度からE2系・E5系の後継としてE10系が運行開始。
- 「究極の安全」「顧客志向」「サステナビリティ」をコンセプトに、最新技術を導入。
- TRAIN DESK 2列+2列シート導入。
- グランクラスについては設定しない疑惑もある。
- 新幹線や在来線を活用した荷物輸送サービスが本格事業化。
- E3系改造の荷物専用車両や客室貸切輸送を開始。
- E5系新幹線1号車利用での大口定期運行サービス。
- 2025年3月6日、東北新幹線「はやぶさ・こまち21号」の連結部が走行中に外れる。
- JR東日本は連結運転を中止し、原因を調査中。
- ⑦の事故の影響で、『はやて』が大量に運転される。
- 普段見られないE8系での『はやて』運転などがSNSで話題に。
・ 東北新幹線上野~大宮間復旧工事に伴う感電事故並びに過去1年以内のJR東日本過失の事故について
A big move on the bullet train! What is
the future of Sunrise Express? [MoriCola Chapter 110]
In the first week of March, the news was
worrisome, and while the introduction of new trains and the expansion of
services, derailment and connection separation accidents due to unexpected
rockfalls occurred, and the importance of safety measures was reaffirmed. A
wide range of developments were observed, such as the challenges of regional
railways, the future of long-distance transportation, and the full-scale
operation of Shinkansen freight transportation, and a series of events
symbolized the period of change in railways.
(1) Echizen Railway Derailment Accident
- On March 2, 2025, a train on the Echizen Railway derailed due
to a rockfall.
- Suspension of operation and substitute bus operation.
- The wrapping train of the popular Pokemon "Kairyu" is
the vehicle in question.
(2) The problem of the existence and abolition of Sunrise Seto
and Izumo
- While it is very popular, the vehicles are aging.
- Due to differences in the intentions of the JR companies, it
was difficult to discuss the successor train.
- JR East Japan is the biggest bottleneck.
(3) Birth of the N700 series shortened formation and retirement
of the 500 series
- The addition of the N700S and the remodeling of the N700 series
into an 8-car train.
- The N700 series 6000 series (8-car shortened formation) was
- The 500 series will be retired by 2027.
(4) Odakyu Romance Car "Child-rearing Support Car"
- From April 15, 2025, car No. 3 of all Romance Cars will become
a "child-rearing support vehicle".
- Facilities such as "Mokoron" decorations and toilets
with cribs are designed to accommodate the child-rearing generation.
(5) Tohoku Shinkansen's new train "E10 series"
- The E10 series will start operation in FY2030 as a successor to
the E2 and E5 series.
- Based on the concepts of "ultimate safety,"
"customer orientation," and "sustainability," we have
introduced the latest technology.
- TRAIN DESK 2 rows + 2 rows of seats introduced.
- There is also a suspicion that the Grand Class will not be set.
(6) Shinkansen luggage transportation "Hakobyun"
- Full-scale commercialization of luggage transportation services
using bullet trains and conventional lines.
- Started the transportation of luggage vehicles and guest rooms
that have been remodeled in the E3 series.
- A large-scale regular service using the first car of the E5
series Shinkansen.
(7) Tohoku Shinkansen connection detachment accident
- On March 6, 2025, the connecting part of the Tohoku Shinkansen
"Hayabusa-Komachi No. 21" will come off while running.
- JR East Japan has suspended the consolidated operation and is
investigating the cause.
(8) Mass outbreak of the Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayate"
- Due to the accident in (7), "Hayate" is driven
in large numbers.
- "Hayate" driving on the E8 series, which is not
usually seen, has become a hot topic on SNS.
The accident at JR East Japan was only
covered in the MoriCola diary.
・ Yokosuka
Line (Hinkaku Line), operation suspended due to track damage
・ Tokaido
Line Pole Collision Report Released
・ Tohoku
Shinkansen Koriyama Station Slip Incident Report
・ Tohoku
Shinkansen Saikyo Line (Tohoku Main Line Separate Line) Overhead wire trouble
near Kitayono
It's not that it's fine, but I think there
are quite a few cases that are close to incidents.
While pursuing technological innovation and
service improvement, the fundamental issue of safe operation has been
highlighted. From the derailment of a local railway to the disconnection of a
bullet train, the importance of safety measures was reaffirmed. However, the
introduction of new rolling stock and the full-scale expansion of freight
transportation also showed the potential of railways for the future.
Improvements in services and environmental performance that meet diverse needs
have also progressed, and railways continue to evolve as social infrastructure.
These events are emblematic of a transformative era that simultaneously
illustrates the challenges facing railways and its vision for the future.
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